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World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA)
Description | Areas under legal protection, including various designations such as Strict Nature Reserves, National Parks and Wildlife Reserves |
Geographic coverage | Global |
Date published | 2020 (updated monthly) |
Date of content | Depends on protected area |
Source | The World Database on Protected Areas |
Citation | UNEP-WCMC. World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). https://protectedplanet.net/. Accessed through Tree Diversity database, www.tree-diversity.org [insert date] |
ESA Landcover map
Description | Land cover, including but not restricted to areas of agricultural land, forest, grasslands, wetlands and human settlement |
Geographic coverage | Global |
Resolution | 300 x 300 m |
Date published | 2017 |
Date of content | 2015 |
Source | ESA Climate Change Initiative - Land Cover led by UCLouvain (2017) |
Citation | ESA Climate Change Initiative - Land Cover led by UCLouvain (2017). Accessed through Tree Diversity database, www.tree-diversity.org [insert date] |
Tree plantations
Description | Planted forests and tree crops, including but not restricted to oil palm, rubber and timber plantations |
Geographic coverage | 45 countries (82% of world's planted forest area in 2015) |
Resolution | Varies by country |
Date published | 2018 |
Date of content | Varies but nominally representative for 2015 |
Source | Transparent World and Global Forest Watch |
Citation | Harris, N., Goldman, E. & Gibbes, S. Spatial Database of Planted Trees (SDPT) Version 1.0. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute. Accessed through Tree Diversity database, www.tree-diversity.org [insert date] |
Global Human Footprint
Description | Measures the cumulative impact of direct pressures of human activities on nature, including extent of built environments, crop land, pasture land, human population density, night time lights, railways, roads and navigable waterways |
Geographic coverage | Global |
Resolution | 1 km2 |
Date published | 2016 |
Date of content | 2009 |
Source | Global Human Footprint |
Citation | Venter, Oscar et al. (2016), Data from: Global terrestrial Human Footprint maps for 1993 and 2009, v2, Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.052q5. Accessed through Tree Diversity database, www.tree-diversity.org [insert date] |
Occurrence data
Description | Known occurrences of target species |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Resolution | Occurrences for which longitude and latitude coordinates are given with at least two decimal places. Occurrence data for species listed in the CITES Appendix II is randomised within an accuracy of up to +/- 50 km. |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Various, mostly between 1950-2019 |
Reservations | Only publicly available records and records for which data contributors have granted open access are shown here. |
Source | Compiled from scientific and grey literature, contributing species experts and organisations, herbaria and online databases such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the Botanical Information and Ecology Network. |
Citation | Jalonen R, Gaisberger H, Kemalasari D, Kanchanarak T, Serra-Diaz JM, Svenning JC, Slik F, Eiadthong W, Palanisamy K, Ravikanth G, Bodos V, Sang J, Warrier R, Wee AKS, Elloran C, Ramos LT, Henry M, Hossain MA, Theilade I, Laegaard S, Bandara KMA, Weerasinghe DP, Changtragoon S, Yuskianti V, Wilkie P, Nghia NH, Elliott S, Pakkad G, Maycock C, Bounithiphonh C, Mohamad R, Nazre M, Zakaria M, M Baktiar NS, Lee SL, Lee CT, Hartvig I, Lehmann L, Dzulkifli D, Lillesø JPB, Chhang P, Zheng Y, Volkaert HA, Graudal L, Hamidi A, Thea S, Sreng S, Lambrick F, Boshier D, Tolentino E jr., Wickneswari R, Aung MM, Chan TLE, Dung NQ, Galante M, Hoa TT, Linsky J, Miah MD, Ningati N, Nurul Farhanah Z, Siti Fatimah MI, Tran V, Kettle C, Vinceti B (2019). APFORGIS Dataset: distributions of 72 native South and Southeast Asian tree species. Bioversity International, Rome Italy. Available from: www.tree-diversity.org |
Occurrence data (natural population only)
As Occurrence data but including only natural populations.
Description | Known occurrences of target species in natural populations and within their natural range. Natural distribution was validated by species experts and through literature review (see section 'Validation'). Records within natural distribution but from sites such as arboreta, botanical gardens or parks are excluded. |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Resolution | Occurrences for which longitude and latitude coordinates are given with at least two decimal places. Occurrence data for species listed in the CITES Appendix II is randomised within an accuracy of up to +/- 50 km. |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Various, mostly between 1950-2019 |
Reservations | Only publicly available records and records for which data contributors have granted open access are shown here. |
Source | Occurrence data was compiled from scientific and grey literature, contributing species experts and organisations, herbaria and online databases such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the Botanical Information and Ecology Network and overlaid with states and provinces of known natural distribution for each species (see section 'Validation'). Humans have transported tree species sometimes for millenia, and natural distribution could not always be unambigously determined or even defined. Different sources of information commonly include somewhat conflicting information about species' natural ranges. |
Citation | Jalonen R, Gaisberger H, Kemalasari D, Kanchanarak T, Serra-Diaz JM, Svenning JC, Slik F, Eiadthong W, Palanisamy K, Ravikanth G, Bodos V, Sang J, Warrier R, Wee AKS, Elloran C, Ramos LT, Henry M, Hossain MA, Theilade I, Laegaard S, Bandara KMA, Weerasinghe DP, Changtragoon S, Yuskianti V, Wilkie P, Nghia NH, Elliott S, Pakkad G, Maycock C, Bounithiphonh C, Mohamad R, Nazre M, Zakaria M, M Baktiar NS, Lee SL, Lee CT, Hartvig I, Lehmann L, Dzulkifli D, Lillesø JPB, Chhang P, Zheng Y, Volkaert HA, Graudal L, Hamidi A, Thea S, Sreng S, Lambrick F, Boshier D, Tolentino E jr., Wickneswari R, Aung MM, Chan TLE, Dung NQ, Galante M, Hoa TT, Linsky J, Miah MD, Ningati N, Nurul Farhanah Z, Siti Fatimah MI, Tran V, Kettle C, Vinceti B (2019). APFORGIS Dataset: distributions of 72 native South and Southeast Asian tree species. Bioversity International, Rome Italy. Available from: www.tree-diversity.org |
Potential current distribution
Description | Predicted suitable habitat within natural distribution, obtained through species distribution modeling. For species for which a stable distribution model could not be created, predicted distribution is shown as a buffer of 50km around confirmed occurrence points. |
Resolution | 4.5 x 4.5 km |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Based on species occurrence data from 1950-2019 |
Reservations | Suitable habitat does not necessary mean species presence. |
Source | APFORGIS |
Citation | Bioversity International (2020). Tree diversity -database. Available from www.tree-diversity.org |
Predicted distribution in 2050 (RCP4.5, intermediate emission scenario)
Description | Predicted suitable habitat within natural distribution projected to climate conditions between years 2040-2059 using Global Circulation Model predictions and corresponding to the intermediate emission scenario (RCP4.5). Map shows loss of suitable habitat predicted by one to five of the highest-performing climate models for Southeast Asia, obtained from CCAFS Climate Data Portal (ACCESS1-0, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, GFDL-CM3, IPSL-CM5A-MR, and MPI-ESM-LR). |
Resolution | 4.5 x 4.5 km |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Based on species occurrence data from 1950-2019 |
Source | APFORGIS |
Citation | Bioversity International (2020). Tree diversity -database. Available from www.tree-diversity.org |
Predicted distribution in 2050 (RCP8.5, high emission scenario)
Description | Predicted suitable habitat within natural distribution projected to climate conditions between years 2040-2059 using Global Circulation Model predictions and corresponding to the high emission scenario (RCP8.5). Map shows loss of suitable habitat predicted by one to five of the highest-performing climate models for Southeast Asia, obtained from CCAFS Climate Data Portal (ACCESS1-0, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, GFDL-CM3, IPSL-CM5A-MR, and MPI-ESM-LR). |
Resolution | 4.5 x 4.5 km |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Based on species occurrence data from 1950-2019 |
Source | APFORGIS |
Citation | Bioversity International (2020). Tree diversity -database. Available from www.tree-diversity.org |
Species richness
Description | Species richness based on the potential current natural distributions of the 65 socio-economically important South and Southeast Asian tree species on this website. |
Resolution | 4.5 x 4.5 km |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Based on species occurrence data from 1950-2019 |
Source | APFORGIS |
Citation | Bioversity International (2020). Tree diversity -database. Available from www.tree-diversity.org |
Predicted change in species richness for 2050 (RCP4.5, intermediate emission scenario)
Description | Predicted change in species richness for 65 socio-economically important tree species in South and Southeast Asia. Suitable habitat within each species' natural distribution was projected to climate conditions between years 2040-2059 using Global Circulation Model predictions and corresponding to the intermediate emission scenario (RCP4.5). Five of the highest-performing climate models for Southeast Asia were used, obtained from CCAFS Climate Data Portal (ACCESS1-0, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, GFDL-CM3, IPSL-CM5A-MR, and MPI-ESM-LR). |
Resolution | 4.5 x 4.5 km |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Based on species occurrence data from 1950-2019 |
Source | APFORGIS |
Citation | Bioversity International (2020). Tree diversity -database. Available from www.tree-diversity.org |
Predicted change in species richness for 2050 (RCP8.5, high emission scenario)
Description | Predicted change in species richness for 65 socio-economically important tree species in South and Southeast Asia. Suitable habitat within each species' natural distribution was projected to climate conditions between years 2040-2059 using Global Circulation Model predictions and corresponding to the high emission scenario (RCP8.5). Five of the highest-performing climate models for Southeast Asia were used, obtained from CCAFS Climate Data Portal (ACCESS1-0, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, GFDL-CM3, IPSL-CM5A-MR, and MPI-ESM-LR). |
Resolution | 4.5 x 4.5 km |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Based on species occurrence data from 1950-2019 |
Source | APFORGIS |
Citation | Bioversity International (2020). Tree diversity -database. Available from www.tree-diversity.org |
<em>In situ</em> reserve for target species
In situ reserves designated for protecting populations of specific tree species.
<em>Ex situ</em> stand
Ex situ stands established for conserving the genetic resources of target species outside of their natural habitats, natural distribution or both
Germplasm collection site
Locations where germplasm of target species has been collected for ex situ conservation, for example for seed banks, germplasm banks or ex situ stands
Genetic studies
Populations studied for genetic diversity according to literature. For references, please download the occurrence dataset.
Seed sources
Seed production areas and seed sources for target species
States and provinces of natural distribution
Description | States and provinces known to be part of the natural distribution of the species. |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Resolution | State or province |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Various |
Reservations | Humans have transported tree species sometimes for millenia, and natural distribution could not always be unambigously determined or even defined. Different sources of information commonly include somewhat conflicting information about species' natural ranges. |
Source | Literature, national species experts and online databases such as IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Plants of the World of Kew Science, the Agroforestree Database of the World Agroforestry Centre, and Invasive Species Compendium of CABI |
Citation | Jalonen R, Gaisberger H, Kemalasari D, Kanchanarak T, Serra-Diaz JM, Svenning JC, Slik F, Eiadthong W, Palanisamy K, Ravikanth G, Bodos V, Sang J, Warrier R, Wee AKS, Elloran C, Ramos LT, Henry M, Hossain MA, Theilade I, Laegaard S, Bandara KMA, Weerasinghe DP, Changtragoon S, Yuskianti V, Wilkie P, Nghia NH, Elliott S, Pakkad G, Maycock C, Bounithiphonh C, Mohamad R, Nazre M, Zakaria M, M Baktiar NS, Lee SL, Lee CT, Hartvig I, Lehmann L, Dzulkifli D, Lillesø JPB, Chhang P, Zheng Y, Volkaert HA, Graudal L, Hamidi A, Thea S, Sreng S, Lambrick F, Boshier D, Tolentino E jr., Wickneswari R, Aung MM, Chan TLE, Dung NQ, Galante M, Hoa TT, Linsky J, Miah MD, Ningati N, Nurul Farhanah Z, Siti Fatimah MI, Tran V, Kettle C, Vinceti B (2019). APFORGIS Dataset: distributions of 72 native South and Southeast Asian tree species. Bioversity International, Rome Italy. Available from: www.tree-diversity.org |
Suitable habitat including areas outside of natural distribution
Description | Predicted suitable habitat, including areas outside of species natural distribution. Map was obtained through species distribution modeling. For species for which a stable distribution model could not be created, predicted distribution is shown as a buffer of 50km around confirmed occurrence points. |
Resolution | 4.5 x 4.5 km |
Geographic coverage | Indo-Malayan floristic realm (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor Leste, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) and Papua New-Guinea |
Date published | 2020 |
Date of content | Based on species occurrence data from 1950-2019 |
Reservations | Suitable habitat does not necessary mean species presence. |
Source | APFORGIS |
Citation | Bioversity International (2020). Tree diversity -database. Available from www.tree-diversity.org |